Ben Draper

DevOps, Security, Coding and Hacking

Nov 30, 2019 - 5 minute read - DevOps

Creating a Blog using Hugo, GitHub, Pages, CircleCI and Cloudflare

This Blog is created and updated with the same processes outlined here. I will explain how you can create your own Blog using Hugo, Github Pages (Custom Domain) with CI/CD using CircleCI and fronted by Cloudflare.

Static websites have many advantages over their dynamic counterparts, to list a few:

  • More secure due to them being pure HTML/CSS, no dynamic rendering
  • Faster to load and cache with CDNs
  • Do not require a Server or Database
  • Can be hosted using S3 Buckets, Github/Gitlab Pages

Step 1 - Creating Hugo Site/Files

This is a popular open-source static site generator. I like it due to the ability to locally test and validate what your site will look like before committing code.

There is a quick start guide on how to create a site using this framework. If you want to use my Blog as a reference, as it's based on Hugo you can find it here:

If you do use my code as a reference, ensure within the config.toml file that you change baseurl to your own domain, edit as you wish and remove everything in the content directory.

Before moving onto the next section ensure you have the files ready to commit to a Github repo.

Step 2 - Create GithHub Repo for GitHub Pages

The plan here is to keep the source code and gh-pages within a single repo, but separate them by branch. This is done by creating a source branch where the Hugo files go, leaving the master branch for the HTML pages, which CircleCI will generate and commit to.

Create a blank repo <USERNAME> This must be your username, for example, mine is

Once that is done, you will want to switch to the source branch and then copy your Hugo files over.

# Example, Hugo files are in the hugo-site directory, yours will be different

$ git clone
Cloning into ''...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
$ cd
$ git checkout -b source
Switched to a new branch 'source'
$ cp -rT ../hugo-site .
$ ls
archetypes  config.toml  content  resources  static  themes
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ git push origin source

Note: GitHub pages will still not work yet as we have not got CircleCI to generate the HTML pages from the Hugo files.

Step 3 - CircleCI Configuration for CI/CD

3.1 - Create a new key pair

Create a new key pair:

$ ssh-keygen 
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/blackhole/.ssh/id_rsa): circleci
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in circleci.
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:

3.2 - Create CircleCI Account and add Github Repo

Once you have created your account, add your project, then do the following:

  • Goto Project Settings
  • Under SSH Permissions, add the circleci Private Key you just generated, ensure you copy the Fingerprint as you will need this in a bit

3.3 - Add Public Key to Github Repo

Now go to your Github project settings, under Deploy Key, add the Public Key you just generated.

3.4 - Create CircleCI Configuration

Create a CircleCI configuration file within the same source branch as before:

$ mkdir .circleci
$ cat > .circleci/config.yml << EOF
version: 2.0

            - image: cibuilds/hugo:0.60
        working_directory: ~/<USERNAME>
            - add_ssh_keys:
                    - "<FINGERPRINT>"
            - checkout
            - run:
                name: Get current site
                working_directory: ~/
                command: git clone -b master<USERNAME>/<USERNAME> public
            - run:
                name: Generate site
                working_directory: ~/<USERNAME>
                command: HUGO_ENV=production hugo -d ~/public
            - deploy:
                name: Deploy to Github Pages
                working_directory: ~/public
                command: |
                    git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=120'
                    git config "<EMAIL>"
                    git config "CircleCI Deployment"
                    git add .
                    git commit --allow-empty -m "CircleCI Deployment - [ci skip]"
                    git push -q<USERNAME>/<USERNAME> master

  version: 2
    - build:
            only: source


Note: Change <USERNAME>, <EMAIL> to your respective values. Also, note [ci skip], will ensure that CircleCI skips the master branch when building/pushing the HTML files and will only build from the source branch.

3.5 - Commit CircleCI Configuration

Once you have made all the required changes to .circleci/conig.yml commit the configuration to the source branch.

This will trigger CircleCI to build and commit your site under: https://<USERNAME> If you get failures, check what errors your Pipeline is getting, could be Hugo build errors or permission errors when deploying.

Step 4 - Configure Custom Domain and Cloudflare

4.1 - GitHub Pages Custom Domain

Getting GitHub Pages working with a custom domain is simple, all you do is create a CNAME file in the master branch. This can only be one domain on a single line, ensure you do not include www as we tackle that with Cloudflare. For example, mine is

4.2 - Cloudflare DNS

Cloudflare requires you to move your Nameservers over but once done all you do is the following to get it all working as expected.


4.3 - Cloudflare SSL/TLS

Ensure in the SSL/TLS section that you configure mode Full and it will work with both www.<DOMAIN> and <DOMAIN>.

Final Notes

That is it, hopefully, this has been helpful. You should now have a fully working blog which is free, fast, secure and easy to update via CI/CD.